It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown is the 35th prime-time animated television special based upon the comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. It was produced in 1992, but unlike previous specials, it was not shown on CBS. It remained unseen until Paramount released it on VHS on January 9, 1996 alongside 1966's Charlie Brown's All-Stars. The special was released by Warner Home Video on the DVD Happiness is ... Peanuts: Go Snoopy Go! on October 9, 2012.
It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown! (1996)
Directed by Sam Jaimes
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Charlie Brown, Peanuts, Special
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
È l'allenamento primaverile, Charlie Brown
It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown!
, US
Vamos Treinar, Charlie Brown!