How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions is a 1985 Czechoslovak comedy film directed by Dušan Klein and written by Klein, together with Ladislav Pecháček. The second in the "Poets hexalogy", the title is preceded by How the World Is Losing Poets (1982) and followed by How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives (1988), Konec básníků v Čechách (1993), Jak básníci neztrácejí naději (2004), and Jak básníci čekají na zázrak (2016). The film stars Pavel Kříž and David Matásek, and focuses on the young poet Štěpán Šafránek as he studies to become a doctor in Prague.

How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions (1985)
Directed by Dušan Klein
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
A költők elveszett ábrándjai
Ako básnici prichádzajú o ilúzie
Jak básníci pricházejí o iluze
Jak poeci tracą złudzenia
Wie Poeten ihre Illusion verlieren