Hop Harrigan (1946) is a Columbia film serial, based on the Hop Harrigan comic books by DC Comics. The serial comprised 15 two-reel chapters with Derwin Abrahams as the director, and Sam Katzman, the producer. Columbia Pictures was one of the last Hollywood studios to continue in postwar years with the serial format. By 1947, Universal Pictures discontinued their serials, with only Republic Pictures and Columbia continuing with serials. The last serial was Columbia's Blazing the Overland Trail (1956).
Hop Harrigan America's Ace of the Airways (1946)
Directed by Derwin Abrahams
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama |
Release Date - Mar 28, 1946 |
Run Time - 270 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Aviation, Book, Comic
Subject: aviation
Alternate Titles
El rayo de la muerte
Hop Harrigan America's Ace of the Airways