Gujjubhai The Great is a 2015 Gujarati comedy film directed by Ishaan Randeria. It is presented by Nakshatra Entertainment and produced by Devendra N. Patel in association with Siddharth Randeria Productions. The film is a comedy drama based on the super-hit franchise of Gujjubhai stage-plays. The film stars Siddharth Randeria, Jimit Trivedi, Swati Shah, Dipna Patel, Alekh Sangal, Sunil Vishrani, Khatera Hakimi and Dharmesh Vyas. The film was released on 18 September.
Gujjubhai the Great (2015)
Directed by Ishaan Randeria
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Filming Location: Ahmedabad, Kankaria Lake, Sabarmati Riverfront, Ahmedabad
Narrative Location: Ahmedabad, set in Ahmedabad
Narrative Location: Ahmedabad, set in Ahmedabad
Alternate Titles
Gujjubhai the Great