Given is a 2020 Japanese animated romantic drama film directed by Hikaru Yamaguchi and written by Yuniko Ayana based on a manga of the same name by Natsuki Kizu. Produced by Lerche and distributed by Aniplex, it adapts the second story arc of the manga, as well as taking place after the events of the anime series, focusing on the relationship between Haruki and Akihiko. The film stars the voices of Shōgo Yano, Yuma Uchida, Masatomo Nakazawa, Takuya Eguchi and Shintarō Asanuma. It was released in Japan on August 22, 2020.
Given (2020)
Genres - Anime |
Sub-Genres - Drama Anime and Manga, Romance Anime and Manga |
Release Date - Aug 22, 2020 |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Hikaru Yamaguchi, Japan, Lerche, Natsuki Kizu, Yuniko Ayana
Based On: Given