Gandubherunda is a 1984 Indian Kannada-language adventure drama film directed by Rajendra Singh Babu, featuring an ensemble cast and inspired by the 1969 American film Mackenna's Gold. The plot involves an epigraphist and a geologist on a hunt for an ancient treasure in an island "Hasta Dweepa", from the then 700-year-old Bherunda kingdom. The film is said to be ahead of its time of release and is considered "technically brilliant". However, it failed to perform commercially at the time. The 1987 Hindi film Khazana was partially based on this film. This was the first combination of Srinath, Ambareesh and Shankar Nag.
Gandu Bherunda (1984)
Directed by S.V. Rajendra Singh Babu
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Movie Info
Ambareesh, Hasta Dweepa, Khazana, Mackenna