Four Days in July is a 1985 television film by Mike Leigh. Set and filmed in Belfast, the film explores the Troubles by following the daily lives of two couples on either side of Northern Ireland's religious divide, both expecting their first children. The film's action unfolds over 10–13 July 1984; the two couples' children are both born on 12 July, the date of a Protestant celebration in Northern Ireland known as the Twelfth. Despite the politically charged setting, the film is uniquely uneventful, at least on the surface; Paul Clements writes that "It is hard to identify any full length work by Leigh in which less of consequence seems to happen." Broadcast once in January 1985, it was Leigh's last film for the BBC.
Four Days in July (1984)
Directed by Mike Leigh
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Leigh, Northern Ireland
Narrative Location: Belfast
Subject: about The Troubles (Northern Ireland), The Troubles
Subject: about The Troubles (Northern Ireland), The Troubles
Alternate Titles
Four Days In July
Four Days in July
Fyra dagar i juli
Négy nap júliusban