Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal is a 2017 Indian Tamil-language comedy drama film written and directed by Mahendran Rajamani and produced by Shan Sutharsan. The film stars Jai and Pranitha, with Karunakaran, Kaali Venkat and Naveen George Thomas in supporting roles. Featuring music composed by Santhosh Dhayanidhi and cinematography by Mahesh Muthuswami, the film began production during June 2016 and was released on 2 February 2017.
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal (2017)
Directed by Mahendran Rajamani
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Mahesh Muthuswami, Naveen George Thomas, Santhosh Dhayanidhi
Filming Location: shot in Tamil Nadu
Narrative Location: set in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu
Narrative Location: set in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu
Alternate Titles
Express Journey