Egghead Rides Again is a 1937 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Tex Avery. It was first released to theaters on July 17, 1937. The cartoon marks the first appearance of Egghead, a character who eventually appear in three more cartoons, "Daffy Duck and Egghead", "A-Lad-In Bagdad" (1938) and "Count Me Out" (1938), both cartoons released in 1938, according to David Gerstein and Michael Barrier.
Egghead Rides Again (1937)
Directed by Tex Avery
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Appearance, Branding, Calf, Character, Egghead, Egghead Rides, Elmer Fudd, Horse, Hotel, Hotel Clerk, Merrie Melodies, Pogo Stick, Ranch, Surrealism, Theater, Warner Bros, Wyoming
Alternate Titles
Cowboy Jippi-Jee
Egghead Rides Again