Dramarama is a 2001 Icelandic comedy-drama film directed by Inga Lísa Middleton, Dagur Kári, Ragnar Bragason, Ásgrímur Sverrisson and Einar Thór Gunnlaugsson. It consists of five intertwined episodes, each made by a different director, set in Reykjavík during a power outage. The stories focus on a blind man, a pregnant girl, the driver of a hearse, two recently engaged lovers and a rock band. The film was produced by Zik Zak Filmworks with support from the Icelandic Film Fund.
Dramarama (2001)
Directed by Dagur Kari / Ragnar Bragason / Ásgrímur Sverrisson / Einar Thor / Inga Lísa Middleton
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Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
Anthology Film, Einar Thór Gunnlaugsson, Film Fund, Icelandic, Reikiavik
Narrative Location: set in Iceland
Alternate Titles