Down Upon the Suwanee River is a 1925 American silent drama film directed by Lem F. Kennedy and starring Charles Emmett Mack, Mary Thurman, and Arthur Donaldson. The spelling of the film's title, which is from the first line of the Stephen Foster song "Old Folks at Home", varied with both Swanee and Suwannee used. In Britain it was released by Wardour Films.
Down Upon the Suwanee River (1925)
Directed by Lem F. Kennedy
Genres - Drama, Silent Film |
Sub-Genres - Silent Feature |
Release Date - Oct 21, 1925 |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Robert F. Kennedy, Stephen Collins Foster, Suwannee, United Kingdom
Alternate Titles
Down Upon the Suwanee River