Devil's Bride is the first Soviet musical created in 1974 and based on the book by Kazys Boruta Baltaragio malūnas. Due to its popularity it is sometimes called a Lithuanian Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera. This musical is a joint creation by the director Arūnas Žebriūnas, composer Vyacheslav Ganelin and scriptwriter Sigitas Geda.
Devil's Bride (1974)
Directed by Arunas Zebriunas
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Ar, Book, Composer, Devil, Jesus Christ Superstar, Kazys Boruta Baltaragio, Lithuanian, Opera, Rector, Rock, Scriptwriter, Vyacheslav Ganelin
Alternate Titles
Az ördög menyasszonya
Devil's Bride
, US
La novia del diablo
Narzeczona diabła
Чёртова Невеста