Des Pardes is a 1978 Hindi drama film, produced and directed by Dev Anand. It stars Dev Anand and Tina Munim, with Ajit Khan, Pran, Amjad Khan, Shreeram Lagoo, Tom Alter, Bindu, Prem Chopra, A. K. Hangal, Sujit Kumar, Mehmood and Paintal in the supporting cast. For the first time, Dev Anand chose comparatively new music director Rajesh Roshan for this film, who did full justice to his selection as most of the songs became quite popular. The film received a Filmfare award for its sets and also received a nomination for best music director. At the time of its release, the film was an average grosser, but over the years, it has gained a cult status and is regarded as a classic.
Des Pardes (1978)
Directed by Dev Anand
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
At Home and Abroad
O Grande Desafio