Derby Day is a 1952 British drama film directed by Herbert Wilcox and starring Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding, Googie Withers, John McCallum, Peter Graves, Suzanne Cloutier and Gordon Harker. An ensemble piece, it portrays several characters on their way to the Derby Day races at Epsom Downs Racecourse. It was an attempt to revive the success that Neagle and Wilding had previously enjoyed on screen together. To promote the film, Wilcox arranged for Neagle to launch the film at the 1952 Epsom Derby.
Derby Day (1952)
Directed by Herbert Wilcox
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Subject: horse, horse racing
Alternate Titles
Aconteceu em Londres
Allt på spel
Derby Day
Four Against Fate