Little Red Riding Wolf is a 2023 Spanish-Peruvian comedy film directed by Chus Gutiérrez from a screenplay written by Marta González de Vega who also starred in the feature. It is based on the book and play of the same name by González de Vega. The rest of the cast is made up of Berto Romero, David Guapo, José Mota, Antonio Resines, Elena Irureta, Melania Urbina and Marco Zunino.
De Caperucita a loba (2023)
Directed by Chus Gutiérrez
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Book, Cast, Feature, Marta González Vázquez, Report, Spanish
Based On: based on books
Filming Location: shot in Madrid
Narrative Location: set in Madrid
Filming Location: shot in Madrid
Narrative Location: set in Madrid
Alternate Titles
De Caperucita a loba