Dazzling Mirage is a 2014 Nigerian drama film, produced and directed by Tunde Kelani; it stars Kemi "Lala" Akindoju, Kunle Afolayan, Bimbo Manuel, Yomi Fash Lanso, Taiwo Ajai-Lycett and Seun Akindele. It also features special appearances from Adewale Ayuba, Sean Tizzle, Tunde Babalola and Steve Sodiya. The film is an adaptation of a novel of the same name by Olayinka Abimbola Egbokhare, adapted to screen by Ade Solanke. It tells the story of a young sickle-cell patient and the various social and emotional challenges she is faced with.
Dazzling Mirage (2014)
Directed by Tunde Kelani
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ade Solanke, Adewale Ayuba, Kunle Afolayan, Lala, Manuel, Olayinka Abimbola Egbokhare, Sean Tizzle, Seun Akindele, Steve Sodiya, Taiwo Ajai-lycett, Tunde Babalola, Tunde Kelani, Yomi Fash Lanso
Based On: based on Nigerian novels
Narrative Location: Lagos, set in Lagos
Narrative Location: Lagos, set in Lagos
Alternate Titles
Dazzling Mirage