David Copperfield is a 1993 Canadian traditionally animated film adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic 1850 novel of the same name. Produced for and premiered on NBC, the film is directed by Don Arioli and features the voices of Sheena Easton, Julian Lennon, Howie Mandel, Andrea Martin, Kelly Le Brock, Michael York and Joseph Marcell.
David Copperfield (1993)
Directed by Don Arioli
Genres - Animation, Family |
Sub-Genres - Christmas Film |
Release Date - Dec 10, 1993 |
Run Time - 92 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Anthropomorphism, Cartoon Cat, Child Labor
Based On: David Copperfield
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
As Novas Aventuras de David Copperfield
Charles Dickens' David Copperfield
, US
David Copperfield
Het Geheim van de Kaasfabriek
Дейвид Копърфийлд