Curse of the Swamp Creature

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1968)

Genres - Horror, Science Fiction  |   Release Date - Feb 1, 1968  |   Run Time - 80 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

Curse of the Swamp Creature is a 1968 American-made for television horror science fiction film directed by Larry Buchanan. Although Buchanan was producing low-budget 16mm color remakes of American International Pictures sci-fi movies for television distribution around this time, he claimed this was an original even though it bears more than a few striking similarities to the 1957 AIP film Voodoo Woman.

Movie Info


Alligator, Evolution, Mad Scientist, Monster, Remake, Swamp, Voodoo


Subject: monster movies

Alternate Titles

Curse of the Swamp Creature