Dare to enter the sensual world of LOVESICK, an adult-themed, reality-based drama that explores the eccentric lives lead by Sin City's most provocative performers. Filmed over two years and set in Las Vegas during the creation of the cabaret-style production ZUMANITY ANOTHER SIDE OF CIRQUE DU SOLEIL™, LOVESICK discloses the disturbing reality of the talented and entrancing artists who put their flesh and audacity center stage to create this edgy new show. Meet Alex, the flirtatious Cuban stripper; Joey, the sassy but endearing New York City drag queen; Laetitia, the elegant and ambitious British dancer; Jonel, the audacious debutant; Andrew, the Director of Creation; and Spymonkey, the spontaneous clown quartet—all of whom will challenge their own limits and be forced to redefine their identities. Sexy, poetic and intensely erotic, LOVESICK slips inside a startling universe where men dress up as women, brides perform in staged orgies, and love affairs are exposed under the show's glaring spotlights.
Cirque du Soleil: LoveSick (2008)
Directed by Lewis Cohen
Genres - Documentary, Family |
Release Date - Apr 25, 2008 |
Run Time - 100 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Alex, Andrew, Artist, Cirque Du Soleil, Joey, Laetitia, Las Vegas, New York, Sin City, Spymonkey
Alternate Titles
Cirque du Soleil: LoveSick
Cirque du Soleil: Szerelmi bánat
Lovesick: Another Side of Cirque du Soleil