In “Christmas Time Is Here,” Nia Moore (Bernard), a successful small-town realtor, has her heart set on closing a big sale on a new resort for her client, Julian Parsons (Williams), just in time for Christmas. There is only one hitch. No matter how many properties in Pine Valley Nia shows Julian, he keeps coming back to the one resort that isn’t for sale…the one belonging to Nia’s widower dad, Patrick (Pickett). Patrick would like to sell the property and retire. It’s Nia who cannot let go of memories of an idyllic time in life when her mom was still alive and very much a part of the resort. Julian realizes Nia’s reluctance to sell the property, but it may not matter. Julian’s impatient boss has come to Pine Valleyintent on getting the deal done before Christmas. At risk of losing his job, Julian comes up with a magical plan for saving Nia’s family’s resort.
Christmas Time Is Here (2021)
Directed by Christie Will Wolf
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Movie Info
Official Site
Building, Julian Parsons, Nia, Property
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Christmas Time Is Here
Julen er her