President (segment "Airlock or how to say goodbye in space")
Adam Banton (segment "Airlock or how to say goodbye in space")
Julian Salinger (segment "The Un-Gone")
Kaikora (segment "The Un-Gone")
Carl Ackland (segment "Airlock or how to say goodbye in space")
Juniper (segment "Schizofredric")
Gia (segment "Human Assembly")
The House AI (segment "Human Assembly")
Grandfather (segment "Siubhlachan the Traveller")
Seonag (segment "Siubhlachan the Traveller")
Adam Dokey (segment "Dupe")
Self (segment "Film Theory")
The Assembled Man (segment "Human Assembly")
Fredric / Schizofredric (segment "Schizofredric")