Borunbabur Bondhu is a 2019 Bengali-language Indian drama film directed by Anik Dutta for Surinder Films. The film is based on a Bengali story Chhad written by Ramapada Chowdhury. It is the story of an old man, whose life faces an upheaval after people come to know that a VVIP who was once his friend, is coming for a visit. The film stars Soumitra Chatterjee in the role of an elderly man with supporting cast of Madhabi Mukhopadhyay, Paran Bandopadhyay, Ritwick Chakraborty, Arpita Chatterjee, Sreelekha Mitra, Kaushik Sen and Bidipta Chakraborty.
Borunbabur Bondhu (2020)
Directed by Anik Datta
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
Borunbabur Bondhu