Benji: Off the Leash! is a 2004 American comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by Joe Camp. It stars Nick Whitaker, Chris Kendrick, Christy Summerhays, Randall Newsome, Duane Stephens, and animal actors. It is the fifth film in the Benji series, and the last Benji film that Joe Camp has directed, produced, and written, until his death in 2024.
Benji: Off the Leash! (2004)
Directed by Joe Camp
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, Family |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - Aug 20, 2004 |
Run Time - 97 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - PG
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
American, Comedy, Dog, Utah
Filming Location: Utah
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Benji 3
Benji Gaat Los!
Benji Returns: Rags to Riches
, US
Benji Returns: The Promise of Christmas
, US
Benji sin correa!
Benji, um Amigo Especial
Benji: Off the Leash!
, CA, US
Rabu Inu Benjî - Hajimete no Bôken
ラブいぬベンジー はじめての冒険