Band of Sisters is a 2012 documentary by director Mary Fishman that tells the story of U.S. women religious from the Second Vatican Council to 2010. The documentary claims that, more than most other Catholic organizations, U.S. women religious followed the "spirit" and "letter" of the church council, heeding its call to renewal and involving themselves with systemic change inside and outside the convent. Among the activities chronicled are the Santuario Sisterfarm, Genesis Farm, CORE/El Centro in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), Mercy Housing, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and the Center for Earth Jurisprudence at Barry University. The film includes a discussion of the conflict between U.S. women religious and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith over questions regarding the sisters' positions on women's ordination, obedience, and religious life in general.

Band of Sisters (2012)
Directed by Mary Fishman
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - Sep 14, 2012 |
Run Time - 88 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Subject: Documentary about Christianity in the United State, Documentary about women and religion, woman
Alternate Titles
Band of Sisters