Bag Boy Lover Boy is a 2014 comedy horror film that was directed by Andres Torres. The movie had its world premiere on July 23, 2014 at the Fantasia Festival and stars Jon Wachter as a hotdog vendor who finds himself becoming the muse of a manipulative photographer, played by Theodore Bouloukos.
Bag Boy Lover Boy (2014)
Directed by Andres Torres
Genres - Comedy, Horror |
Sub-Genres - Black Comedy Film, Comedy Horror, Slasher Film |
Release Date - Jul 23, 2014 |
Run Time - 77 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Bag, Boy Lover Boy, Fantasia Festival, Photographer, World
Alternate Titles
Bag Boy Lover Boy
Pesar e Moshammayi