Arizona Summer is a family oriented story revolving around Brent Butler (Gemini Barnett), a wiser-than-his years youngster. A modern-day Tom Sawyer. The majority of the story takes place at a boys and girls camp owned and operated by Travers (Lee Majors), who has spent a lifetime of quietly helping adolescents become confident young adults. In addition to the full gamut of camp activities, adventures, practical jokes, and conflict resolution there is the underlying theme that bolsters the importance of a positive father-son relationship.
Arizona Summer (2004)
Directed by Joey Travolta
Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy, Family |
Release Date - Sep 6, 2004 |
Run Time - 102 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Camp, Character, Group, Summer
Alternate Titles
Arizona Summer
Arizonai nyár