Ang Lihim ni Antonio is a 2008 Filipino film by Filipino film director Joselito Altarejos. It tells the story about teenage boy whose emerging gay sexuality alienates him from his friends and family, until his libertine uncle, Jonbert, comes to live with him and his mother. Antonio thinks he has found a kindred spirit, until the older man's intentions toward the boy become incestuous and an act of unthinkable violence leaves the family reeling.
Antonio's Secret (2008)
Directed by Joselito Altarejos
Genres - Comedy Drama, Crime, Drama |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film |
Release Date - Feb 13, 2008 |
Run Time - 100 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Gay, Gay-Related
Alternate Titles
Ang Lihim Ni Antonio
Antonio's Secret
Le secret d'Antonio