The Headless Horseman is a 1922 American silent film adaptation of Washington Irving's 1820 short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" directed by Edward D. Venturini. It stars Will Rogers, Lois Meredith and Ben Hendricks Jr. It was the first panchromatic black-and-white feature film.
The Headless Horseman (1922)
Directed by Edward D. Venturini
Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Silent Film |
Sub-Genres - Ghost Film, Silent Film |
Release Date - Nov 5, 1922 |
Run Time - 76 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Edward, Film Based On Literature, Headless Horseman, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
Based On: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Alternate Titles
Konjanik bez glave
The Headless Horseman