In a parallel universe on planet named Ressear, the saga continues as Lord Zahyian Crehin wakes-up from his internal slumber within the reincarnated body of Eric Wilson. With the help from our hero, Commander Sofia Hayden, the king becomes fully aware of his purpose and vows to hunt down their violator, the evil warlock Sil.
Not far from their camp lies Sil's two evil concubines, Cayla Korvesian and IL-Roserious, who are preparing their next step in hunting down Sofia Hayden and the King. As they do, Sil prepares an emergency meeting with the global council (Supreme World Alliance) to announce that he has found "The Tomb of Yahzeel, the most powerful warlock who ever lived. He plans to make it clear to them that Yahzeel will be resurrected, and he has no further use for them.
On the other side of forest, Cayla's newly appointed scout Orin TiRosch, continues his search for "The Resistance" as he is confronted by a dangerous species he has never faced.