A Very Sordid Wedding

A Very Sordid Wedding (2017)

Genres - Comedy  |   Release Date - Oct 17, 2017  |   Run Time - 109 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - TV-MA
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"A Very Sordid Wedding," the sequel to Del Shores (“Blues For Willadean,” “Southern Baptist Sissies,” “Queer As Folk”) hit play, movie and TV series "Sordid Lives," reunites an all-star ensemble cast of characters, rooted in the Southern Baptist world of Winters, Texas, exploring the acceptance, conflict and bigotry following the weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage equality ruling.

Produced by and co-starring Emerson Collins ("Southern Baptist Sissies," "The People’s Couch"), "A Very Sordid Wedding" stars a large ensemble cast including Bonnie Bedelia ("Parenthood"), Leslie Jordan (Emmy winner, "Will & Grace"), Caroline Rhea ("Sabrina, the Teenage Witch") Dale Dickey (Spirit Award winner, "Winter’s Bone") with a cameo from Whoopi Goldberg, and many more stars from stage and screen.

Movie Info


Cast, Southern Baptist Sissies, Star, Very Sordid Wedding, Winner

Alternate Titles

A Very Sordid Wedding
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