A Step Toward Tomorrow is a 1996 drama film directed by Deborah Reinisch and starring Judith Light as the divorcee mother of a paralyzed son. The film also starred Tom Irwin as neurosurgeon to help get him an experimental spinal-cord operation. The film also had special appearance by Alfre Woodard and a brief cameo by Christopher Reeve.

A Step Toward Tomorrow (1996)
Directed by Deborah Reinisch
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Nov 10, 1996 |
Run Time - 93 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Filming Location: shot in North Carolina
Alternate Titles
A Step Toward Tomorrow
Gelähmt: Eine Mutter gibt nicht auf
Insieme verso il domani
Már csak egy lépés a holnap
Snakes and Ladders
, US
Un paso hacia el mañana