A Film With Me in It is a 2008 Irish film directed by Ian Fitzgibbon and written by Mark Doherty. The film is a black comedy that follows Mark and Pierce, an unsuccessful actor and a failing writer respectively, who find themselves trying to cope after a string of accidents surrounds them in corpses. The film generally received a positive response, and was released on DVD in October 2011.
A Film with Me in It (2008)
Directed by Ian Fitzgibbon
Genres - Comedy, Mystery-Suspense, Thriller |
Release Date - Jul 12, 2008 |
Run Time - 89 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Actor, Dead Body, Dog, Ireland, Landlord
Narrative Location: Dublin
Alternate Titles
A Film with Me in It
A Film With Me In It
Cuatro muertos y ningún entierro
Um Filme Comigo?
Фильм со мной в главной роли