William Wyler

William Wyler

Active - 1926 - 2019  |   Birth - Jul 1, 1902  |   Death - Jul 27, 1981  |   Genres - Drama, Romance, Western, Comedy, Documentary | Subgenres - Silent Film, Romantic Comedy, Western Film, Propaganda Film, World War II Propaganda

Biography by Wikipedia

William Wyler was an American film director, producer and screenwriter. Notable works include Ben-Hur (1959), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), and Mrs. Miniver (1942), all of which won Academy Awards for Best Director, as well as Best Picture in their respective years, making him the only director of three Best Picture winners as of 2019. Wyler received his first Oscar nomination for directing Dodsworth in 1936, starring Walter Huston, Ruth Chatterton and Mary Astor, "sparking a 20-year run of almost unbroken greatness."

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