Dr.Vishnuvardhan, born Sampath Kumar, was an Indian film actor known for his predominantly in Kannada cinema. He appeared in over 220 films in Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. He was called 'The Phoenix of Indian Cinema'. He made his debut in the 1972 film, Vamsha Vriksha, in a supporting role. The same year he played the lead role in Puttanna Kanagal's Naagarahaavu, and was recognized as 'The Angry Young Man of Kannada Cinema'. He has played a variety of roles in different genres.
Active - 1971 - 2015 |
Birth - Sep 18, 1952 |
Death - Dec 30, 2009 |
Genres - Drama, Action-Adventure, Romance, Music, Thriller
Subgenres - Musical, Biographical Film, Comedy Drama, Comedy Thriller, Docudrama
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Sahasasimha, Sampath Kumar, Vishnu Vardhan-
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