Takeshi Kitano is a Japanese comedian, television presenter, actor, filmmaker, and author. While he is known primarily as a comedian and TV host in his native Japan, abroad he is known almost exclusively for his work as a filmmaker. With the exception of his works as a film director, he is known almost exclusively by the stage name Beat Takeshi .
Takeshi Kitano
Active - 1975 - 2023 |
Birth - Jan 18, 1947 |
Genres - Drama, Crime, Comedy, Thriller, Action-Adventure
Subgenres - Comedy Drama, Dystopian Film, Cyberpunk, LGBT-Related Film, Boxing Film
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'Beat' Takeshi, 'Beat' Takeshi Kitano, 'Bîto' Takeshi, Beat Takeshi, Bito Takeshi, Take-chan, Takeshi-
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