Harry Lillis "Bing" Crosby Jr. was an American singer, comedian and actor. The first multimedia star, Crosby was a leader in record sales, radio ratings, and motion picture grosses from 1931 to 1954. His early career coincided with recording innovations that allowed him to develop an intimate singing style that influenced many male singers who followed him, including Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, Dick Haymes, and Dean Martin. Yank magazine said that he was "the person who had done the most for the morale of overseas servicemen" during World War II. In 1948, American polls declared him the "most admired man alive", ahead of Jackie Robinson and Pope Pius XII. Also in 1948, Music Digest estimated that his recordings filled more than half of the 80,000 weekly hours allocated to recorded radio music.

Bing Crosby
Active - 1930 - 2023 |
Birth - May 2, 1903 |
Death - Oct 14, 1977 |
Genres - Comedy, Music, Documentary, Romance, Family
Subgenres - Musical, Romantic Comedy, Buddy Film, Biographical Film, Christmas Film
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Der Bingle, Harry Lillis Crosby, The old groaner, The Rhythm Boys-
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Musical, Romantic Comedy, Buddy Film, Biographical Film, Christmas Film, Western Film, Animated Film with LGBT Character(s), Comedy Drama, Boxing Film, Musical Comedy, American Football Film, Baseball, Chase, Christmas Specials, Collage Film, Comedy Horror, Comedy of Remarriage, Film Noir, Ghost Film, Health/Workout, Heist Film, LGBT-Related Film, Medieval Film, Parody Film, Pirate Film, Poliziotteschi, Propaganda Film, Screwball Comedy Film, Sport Film, Spy Film, Time-Travel Film, World War II Propaganda Shorts