Michelle Suzanne Ruff is an American voice actress known for her work in anime and video games. In her early voice acting career, she used her mother's name, Georgette Rose, as a pseudonym. Some of her roles include Chi in Chobits, Rukia Kuchiki in Bleach, Aoi Sakuraba in Ai Yori Aoshi, Elie in Rave Master, Yuki Nagato in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Yoko Littner in Gurren Lagann and Sinon in Sword Art Online. In video games, she is the voice of Jill Valentine in the Resident Evil series, and Crimson Viper in the Street Fighter series.
Michelle Ruff
Active - 1978 - 2023 |
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Anime
Subgenres - Family Film, 3D Animated, Martial Arts Film, Action Comedy Film, Animated Film
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Family Film, 3D Animated, Martial Arts Film, Action Comedy Film, Animated Film, Fantasy Anime and Manga, Musical, Science Fiction Anime and Manga, Superhero Film, Buddy Film, Christmas Film, Comedy Drama, Computer-Animated, Computer-Animated Film, Cyberpunk, Drama Anime and Manga, Mecha, Monster Film, Supernatural Film, Sword-And-Sandal Film, Vampire Film, Werewolf Film, Action Anime and Manga, Adventure Anime and Manga, Anime Film, Apocalyptic Film, Biopunk, Black Comedy Film, Buddy Cop Film, Comedy Anime and Manga, Comedy Horror, Coming-Of-Age Fiction, Crime Thriller, Crossover Fiction, Dark Fantasy, Drama Fiction, Dystopian Film, Female Buddy Film, Ghost Film, Heist Film, Post-Apocalyptic Film, Psychological Horror Film, Romance Anime and Manga, Romantic Comedy, Science Fiction Comedy, Serial Killer, Silent Feature, Sport Film, Teen Film, Time-Travel Film, Zombie Film