George Tyssen Butler is a British-American filmmaker and photographer, and a pioneer of the theatrical documentary. Some of his most popular films include Pumping Iron, which introduced moviegoers to the then anonymous Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Endurance film trilogy, retelling Sir Ernest Shackleton’s saga of Antarctic survival, and Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry, about his friend John Kerry’s leadership in the peace movement. Butler’s films are known for their combination of high artistic, educational and entertainment values, as he believes well-crafted documentaries can hold their own against dramatic features. In addition to his feature-length documentary classics, Butler has also produced acclaimed IMAX® features, such as the award-winning Shackleton’s Antarctic Adventure and Roving Mars.
George Butler
Active - 1939 - 2007 |
Birth - Oct 12, 1943 |
Death - Oct 21, 2021 |
Genres - Documentary, Biography, History, War, Action-Adventure
Subgenres - Docudrama, Sport Film, Spy Film
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