Felix Anthony Silla, also credited as Felix Cilla, is an Italian-born retired American film and television actor and stuntman, known for his recurring role as the costumed character of "Cousin Itt" on television's The Addams Family, with the voice usually provided by Anthony Magro (1923–2004). Silla also appeared in many other classic character roles.
Felix Silla
Active - 1967 - 2016 |
Birth - Jan 11, 1937 |
Death - Apr 16, 2021 |
Genres - Comedy, Action-Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Subgenres - Parody Film, Body Horror Film, Comedy Horror, Ghost Film, Monster Film
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Felix Cilla-
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Parody Film, Body Horror Film, Comedy Horror, Ghost Film, Monster Film, Neo-Noir, Science Fiction Comedy, Blaxploitation Film, Christmas Film, Dystopian Film, Heist Film, LGBT-Related Film, Martial Arts Film, Musical, Psychological Thriller Film, Romantic Comedy, Rumberas Film, Superhero Film, Supernatural Horror Film, Zombie Comedy