Bruce Lester

Active - 1934 - 1958  |   Birth - Jun 6, 1912  |   Death - Jun 13, 2008  |   Genres - Drama, Romance, Action-Adventure, War, Crime | Subgenres - Spy Film, Musical, Spy, World War II Propaganda, Film Noir

Biography by Wikipedia

Bruce Lester was a South African-born English film actor with over 60 screen appearances to his credit between 1934 and his retirement from acting in 1958. Lester's career divided into two distinct periods. Between 1934 and 1938, billed as Bruce Lister, he appeared in upwards of 20 British films, mostly of the cheaply shot and quickly forgotten quota quickie variety. He then moved to the US, where he changed his surname to Lester, and found himself for a time appearing in some of the biggest prestige productions of their day, alongside stars such as Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Tyrone Power and Errol Flynn. Lester himself never achieved star-billing, but was said to have remarked that this at least meant that if a film was a flop, no blame ever fell on his shoulders.

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