Aylin Tezel

Aylin Tezel

Active - 2008 - 2023  |   Birth - Jan 1, 1983  |   Genres - Drama, Comedy, Romance, Family, Action-Adventure | Subgenres - Family Film, 3D Animated, Comedy Drama, Computer-Animated, Computer-Animated Film

Biography by Wikipedia

Aylin Tezel is a German actress and dancer. Her father is Necmettin Tezel, a Turkish medical doctor practicing in Bielefeld, Germany. Her mother is Ingrid Tezel, a German nurse. She is a middle child, having an older sister and a younger brother. She is most known for her main role in the film "Almanya - Welcome to Germany" which premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2011 and for her main role in the film "Am Himmel der Tag" for which she received the Best Actress Award at the Torino Film Festival in 2012.

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