Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland

Active - 1963 - 2024  |   Genres - Drama, Thriller, Action-Adventure, Comedy, Crime | Subgenres - Biographical Film, Heist Film, Comedy Drama, Romantic Comedy, Satire

Biography by Wikipedia

Donald McNichol Sutherland, is a Canadian actor whose film career spans more than five decades. Sutherland rose to fame after starring in films including The Dirty Dozen (1967), M*A*S*H (1970), Kelly's Heroes (1970), Klute (1971), Don't Look Now (1973), Fellini's Casanova (1976), 1900 (1976), The Eagle Has Landed (1976), Animal House (1978), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Ordinary People (1980), and Eye of the Needle (1981). He subsequently established himself as one of the most respected, prolific and versatile character actors from Canada.

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