Placebo Effect is a 1998 American thriller film written by Luciano Saber and directed by Alejandro Seri. Featuring Francesco Quinn, Martin Halacy, and Kirsten Berman, it was released in the United States on 31 January 1998 and won Best Film at the New York Independent Film Festival in 1998.
Placebo Effect (1998)
Directed by Alejandro Seri
Genres - Action-Adventure, Crime, Mystery-Suspense, Thriller |
Release Date - Nov 11, 1998 |
Run Time - 86 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
American, Best Film, New York Independent Film Festival, The United States
Narrative Location: Chicago
Alternate Titles
Placebo Effect
, US
Placebo Effect: The Return of Sphinx
, US
The Sphinx File
, US