Trapped Beneath the Sea is a 1974 American made-for-television action drama film directed by William A. Graham. The screenplay concerns four men trapped in a mini-submarine in waters off the coast of Florida. Paul Michael Glaser, Joshua Bryant, Cliff Potts and Roger Kern play the victims. Lee J. Cobb and Martin Balsam are among those trying to rescue them. The film premiered as the ABC Movie of the Week on October 22, 1974.
Trapped Beneath the Sea (1974)
Directed by William A. Graham
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Disaster Film |
Release Date - Oct 22, 1974 |
Run Time - 97 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Coast, Florida, Man, Mini Submarine, Sea, Trapped, True Stories, Victim
Based On: Johnson Sea Link accident
Alternate Titles
Atrapados en el fondo del mar
Prigionieri del mare
Trapped Beneath the Sea
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