Valley of the Zombies

Valley of the Zombies (1946)

Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery-Suspense  |   Release Date - May 24, 1946  |   Run Time - 56 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Wikipedia

Valley of the Zombies is a 1946 American horror film directed by Philip Ford, written by Dorrell McGowan and Stuart E. McGowan, and starring Robert Livingston, Adrian Booth, Ian Keith, Thomas E. Jackson, Charles Trowbridge and Earle Hodgins. The film is about Ormand Murks (Keith), who is resurrected and tours the city for human blood, predominantly from his old enemies. This draws the attention of police lieutenant Blair (Jackson). Doctor Terry Evans (Livingston) decides to track down Murks to stop his murder spree.

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Insane Asylum


Subject: about Voodoo

Alternate Titles

El valle de los zombies
O Vale dos Zombies
Stin koilada ton vrykolakon
Valley of the Zombies