Saturday the 14th

Saturday the 14th (1981)

Genres - Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction  |   Sub-Genres - Comedy Horror, Monster Film  |   Release Date - Oct 30, 1981  |   Run Time - 76 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - PG
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Description by Wikipedia

Saturday the 14th is a 1981 American comedy horror film starring real-life husband and wife Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin, co-written and directed by Howard R. Cohen and produced by Julie Corman.

Movie Info


Alcohol, Attic, Book, Call, Creature, Dust, Haunted House, Home, Monster, Parody/Slapstick, Search, Shark, Spoof, Will


Subject: haunted house

Alternate Titles

Lørdag den 14de