Jack Adamson, a Las Vegas Homicide Detective with a shady past finds himself caught in the cross hairs between doing his job and saving his best friend from the local mobster (Vincent Pastore). When his best friend is the prime suspect in the murder he is investigating, Jack must try to clear his friend, appease the mobster and avoid getting killed when an assassin known only as the Blue Screen is brought in to wipe out everyone.
Red Herring (2015)
Directed by Ousa Khun
Genres - Crime, Drama, Mystery-Suspense, Thriller |
Release Date - Oct 30, 2015 |
Run Time - 91 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Box Office
Detective, Murder
Alternate Titles
Red Herring
Отвлекающий маневр