Pinocchio's Christmas is a 1980 Christmas stop motion television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions that is a holiday adaptation of the 1883 novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. The special premiered on ABC on December 3, 1980. It aired annually during the Christmas season on Freeform and as of 2018 airs on AMC.
Pinocchio's Christmas (1980)
Directed by Arthur Rankin Jr. / Jules Bass
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Music |
Sub-Genres - Christmas Film, Christmas Specials, Musical |
Release Date - Dec 3, 1980 |
Run Time - 49 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - TV-G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Christmas, Geppetto, Pinocchio
Based On: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
La Navidad de Pinocho
O Natal de PinĂ³quio
Pinocchio's Christmas