My Father and the Man in Black is a 2012 Canadian documentary film directed and produced by Jonathan Holiff about the stormy relationship between country music star Johnny Cash and the filmmaker's father, Saul Holiff, Cash's personal manager. It qualified for Oscar consideration in 2013. Holiff was inspired to produce the film when he stumbled on his father's storage locker filled with audio diaries and a large assortment of other documents relating to his time in the 1960s and 1970s as Cash's manager. The locker also included a framed gold record of "A Boy Named Sue" which went on display at the Grand Theatre during the running of their musical Ring of Fire.
My Father and the Man in Black (2012)
Directed by Jonathan Holiff
Genres - Biography, Documentary |
Release Date - Nov 2, 2012 |
Run Time - 87 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Administrator, Coach, Executive, Father, Manager, Son, Tale
Subject: Documentary about businesspeople, Documentary about country music and musicians
Time Period: set in the
Time Period: set in the
Alternate Titles
Isäni ja Johnny Cash
Johnny and Saul
Man in black suit singing
Min far och Johnny Cash
My Father And The Man In Black
My Father and the Man in Black
My Father and the Man in Black: Growing Up with Johnny Cash
The Man Who Carried Cash