A Scream in the Dark is an American comedy crime mystery directed by George Sherman and written by Anthony Coldeway and Gerald Schnitzer in 1943. The film stars Robert Lowery, Marie McDonald, Edward Brophy, Elizabeth Russell, Hobart Cavanaugh and Wally Vernon. The film was released on October 15, 1943, by Republic Pictures. It is based on the book "The Morgue is Always Open".
A Scream in the Dark (1943)
Directed by George Sherman
Genres - Action-Adventure, Crime, Mystery-Suspense |
Release Date - Oct 15, 1943 |
Run Time - 55 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
B Movie, Dark, Justice
Alternate Titles
A Scream in the Dark
The Morgue Is Always Open
, US
Um Grito no Escuro
Un grito en la oscuridad